The Idea Phase

My favorite Golden Gate Bridge fun fact is that it takes so long to paint that the team walks right back across to start again as soon as they finish. The job never ends, it simply continues in perpetuity. One conjures up images of Sisyphus rolling his boulder up the hill each day only for it to wind up back at the bottom again tomorrow. The thought can be ominous if you linger on it for too long, because our lives aren’t so dissimilar.

Wild animals toil endlessly for survival, while we, the vastly superior beings, have eschewed our upright walking in favor of mechanized travel and plenty of other cushy modernities. sFire was cool and all but my Instant Pot has 12 cooking modes. So what then to do with all of the free time that such convenience affords?

What I’m quickly learning is that there will always be a task at hand if you are an impulsive human like myself. The very instant I’ve scrubbed the cars clean, vacuumed the house or mowed the lawn, the world immediately conspires to ruin my efforts. Without cause or direction, I find myself walking endless circles around the house, chasing one nibbling task after another. There’s a misplaced sock on the floor, so I take it to the laundry room and see a bathroom in need of toilet paper on the way. The cats are out of food, our recycling is full, and my mushrooms need another spritzing. So it can go for hours. Is this really healthy, though?

I’m on week three of this new adventure and the time has come for an injection of purpose into the routine tasks. I have a sense of what my weekly responsibilities look like at this point and some notable wife requests have been knocked out. In order to steer this ship in the right direction, here are a slew of goals I’d like all of y’all to hold me to in the coming months:  

Fun Dad Summer

I officially changed my LinkedIn status to “Stay at Home Dad” which they make as hard as possible. The dropdown menus judge you real hard when making such updates. It’s time to start living up to my illustrious title. And, by the way, summer is coming. With the advanced knowledge of my departure, Allison has not filled up our calendar with the usual slew of camps. This means it’s on me to entertain our little ladies and offer up experiences that make them better humans. Without breaking the bank, I’ll be planning an activity-filled curriculum to get us out of the house and have a memorable summer.

Feed Off the Land

I might have ten square yards receiving full sun around our house, but that hasn’t deterred my ambitions to grow as much food as possible. With an eye on limiting our dependency on the local supermarket and spreading the love around, I have set out to do two things. One is to plan days in the future where I will eat only items that come from our property. This is going to require an immersion in methods of preservation and even a little foraging, otherwise I’ll be lucky to get by on leaves of lettuce. Goal number two is to check out our local farmers market and start planning a product of my own, with any income (or leftovers) donated to the food pantry at our church.

Crank it up to 11

I love playing music. The rub is that I’m not terribly skilled at any particular instrument. Call it a joyful noise. To encourage routine practice and fluff up my rockstar dreams, I’ll be planning a live performance this summer at our annual fundraiser with the stipulation that my kids have to join me for at least one song. Typing that just made my palms a little sweaty.

Chef Chappy

For someone who hasn’t worked in food service since the age of 16, I sure do read a lot of books on what it is like to be a chef. My wife credits Anthony Bourdain and her gift of a Big Green Egg for turning me into an obsessed foodie. Cooking for people makes me happy, especially when I get to plan out a unique menu and push myself a bit. As circumstance would have it, I owe two groups a “Chef Chappy Dinner” from a silent auction that got out of hand. It is time to settle up and expand my repertoire of dishes. (Note: Minutes after I typed this, I sliced off a decent chunk of my thumb while making a salad. Need to revisit the knife skills as well.)

Stop Being so Selfish

I’ve dipped my toe in the waters of volunteerism in the last few weeks and it feels gooooood.  I’m ready to champion a cause, commit and show my face on a regular basis. If you have followed along thus far, it may come as no surprise that this will be a food-related charity. 

Yoga Posin’

I claim to practice yoga, but what I’ve really been doing is putting on my Yoga with Adriene videos and following a routine of my own making. Every now and then I add a new pose for giggles, but there really hasn’t been much growth in my skill level over the last two years. I asked my wife if scorpion pose would be an attainable goal and she just shook her head. We’ll give it a go anyway and see what happens.

Hold onto your butts! I’ll be posting updates on my progress for each of these challenges. Should be an interesting adventure.